Hertford CrestHertford British Hospital Charity

Wednesday 13 November 2024

Sir Richard WallaceSir Richard Wallace

For those seeking to learn more about Sir Richard Wallace and the history of the Hertford British Hospital, one of the Corporation's Trustees, Peter Howard, has written a complete history of the Hospital, entitled "Sir Richard Wallace - Le Millionaire Anglais de Paris - and The Hertford British Hospital." The proceeds of this work go to the Corporation.

The book is published by the Grimsay Press, and details of the book, including order information may be found on this page. The book costs £30 Sterling or $50 US. It may also be obtained from the Corporation's offices at 3 rue Barbès.

Le livre est édité par Grimsay Press, et tous les détails sur le livre ainsi que la façon de le commander se trouvent sur cette page. Le livre vaut £30, 40€ ou $50 US. Elle peut aussi être obtenue au bureau de HBHC à 3 rue Barbès.